Dear animal friends,
The past year was very hard for Regina. She lost many animals because they were already old, but it happened really quickly... one after the other had to cross the bridge. Whether dog or cat... there were just too many. Of course that hurts and you still have to be there for the other animals. Grief takes a back seat, even though it's very important to process all this.
She doesn't have the time for it, so the year comes to an end and a new one begins.
We would like to thank everyone who has supported MADAT and continues to do so.
There is Teresa in England, who crafts and sells. Then there is Kerstin who crochets great things and sends them to Regina to sell. There's also Christine, who makes gemstone jewellery and sells it in Germany for very little money.
We must not forget the animal friends from the north, supported by Dr Schneider, and of course all those who visit Regina and help on site.
We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Dear animal lovers,
We do handicrafts for the animals. Jewellery made from real gemstone beads, self-crocheted pendants and much more.
If you are interested, please ask our president or visit the animal clinic in Golf del Sur
There you will find all the beautiful things and donations for our animals can also be accepted there.
As almost all of our dogs are now very old and need special food and medication, we ask for your support.
Dear animal friends,
look at the pictures. People still have not understood that you should neuter your animals. They are simply thrown away like garbage. In garbage cans, In Gulli`s so that the fire department must come. We can still be happy if they just put you in a box in front of the door at the animal shelters. They are sick or got away from mommy too early that they can't even eat real food yet. And the adult stray cats are not doing any better. They are injured, emaciated, completely dehydrated. We are already at our limits.
We built a new outdoor enclosure for the cats in the spring so we could use the other enclosures as emergency or quarantine enclosures.
Now those are full again as well.
People..get your animals neutered, please ask animal welfare organizations who can help you financially. But please do not abandon the babies.
The animals depend on your help, and we need Donations
It began in January 2023. The idea had been there for some time, but it also had to be implemented. And so the helping hands from Switzerland and Germany arrived and everything took its course.
First, holes were made in the ground to set the posts in concrete.
Measuring, adjusting, cutting, wiring, building the over-climbing protection, restoring and setting up the old hut, making holes in the enclosure wall so that the sweeties can get out.
And then the day was there. They were all allowed out:
Udate: April 2023
After a long time with Regina, Bobby finally found a home with Dr. Sandra Queder. He was in the best hands, but unfortunately fate wanted it differently. Bobby had an autoimmune disease which had attacked his lungs strongly. Sandra had to put him out of his misery.
Bobby, we will never forget you.
Bobby the chain dog
Hello animal friends, my name is Bobby, I also belong to the tortured souls on the island.
I was already in my young life on the chain and it was so short that I could not even lie down properly. I was always given only soup to eat, no real food, and I was also beaten. I should probably eke out my existence until the end of my life. And that would not have been very long, if Regina had not taken me away from there.
The vet found out at the first examination that I had heartworms and I had to stay with him for 4 weeks until I was better. A dear donor paid for this treatment, because they are very expensive and a follow-up treatment is also pending.
Now I am finally with Madat and Regina takes care of me lovingly. I still have to learn how to drink and eat properly and I am still very timid when it comes to petting. I have been beaten and I am still a bit afraid and have a crouched gait, because I still can not believe that there are also loving people who do not force me to do anything and just let me be a dog, even if I still have to learn a lot.
I didn't even know how a normal dog behaves and that you can also lift your leg to make pee. Since 2 weeks I can do it now, like a real male dog. My shaggy fur grows out now and I get a nice chocolate brown.
I also have a girlfriend now, her name is Mona and I think she is great. She is now together with me in an enclosure and we understand and great. I think she likes me too.
I am about 1.5 years old and not yet neutered. We have to wait a little bit, because of the heart worms. I should stay here for a while until I am fit enough to be given to a new loving home. I am a big guy and for me a house with a big property, of course NO chain, would be great, where I can play and run.
Until the right owner has found ME, I may stay with Madat and will be fostered here.
March 2022
Dear animal lovers! Now it's time for us to get back to you. It's been 2 years now and the virus has paralyzed our work quite a bit. Regina fought her way through the hardest time with few people who couldn't help her at work because of the ban on contact in the lockdown and she had to take care of everything on her own.
Airport (if there was a flight), veterinarian, organizing food, etc.
She currently has about 100 cats and still about 38 dogs, most of which can no longer be adopted, such as our Messi dogs. Old Chispa, for example. It would be great for her if she could still get a place in her old age. Maybe even on the island itself. Then there's Carnelo and his girls, who would like a soft sofa. Also the siblings Bruno, Tommy, Wilma and Leonie. All brindle dogs that are difficult to bring to Germany because of the color of their fur. Brindle dogs don't have it easy in Germany.
The bank details have also changed, you will find out from Regina herself until I have the ok to write them on the homepage. Money and donations in kind such as towels, old blankets or sheets for the enclosures are of course always welcome and may also be brought to her.
The best thing to do is to call Regina yourself and ask what you can use.
We especially thank the Sonnenkinder Tenerife's and their little helpers who, whenever they can, send us donations in kind and money from Germany. You can find the homepage on our cat page.
So far for the current status.
If you have any questions about our animals or are interested in a cat, don't hesitate to call Regina.
We would like to thank everyone again, also on behalf of the animals, who have not let Madat down during this difficult time.
Many thanks to the sun children Tenerife and Noah's Ark. Help with lining and blankets etc.
We are facing a difficult time. Because now the animals can no longer travel, no adoptions. everything stands still and more than ever we
are dependent on donations
There are reports that animal lovers from the north have once again donated to Madat. This time Regina was presented with € 300.
Many thanks to Dr. Schneider and his tireless collecting for our animals. You can use it to pay for vaccinations, food, etc.
There is always a financial gap somewhere.
Many thanks, of course also in the name of the animals.
We are flooded with small cats..all need to be vaccinated and are hungry.
Regina is at the limit and we have no room left.
Who can help us with the vaccination and feed costs ??
To all the people who helped us with their donations.
The fence is ready and the cats are safe.
Thanks again to all who helped
A heartfelt thank you to the dear animal friends from the north, who often support us with very generous sums of money.
Once again they have made a charity meal at the restaurant Safran in Santa Ursula and collected 400 € for Madat. Thank you very much.
In the name of the animals, we also thank you very much
at Live Arico, San Francisco Animales for your great support and Tessa Vermaeren for the internet call
We will keep you up to date and capture everything figuratively.
Dear animal lovers,apologies for the harsh pictures, but yesterday, the cat house at Madat Tenerife got attacked by dogs who broke in and viciously mauled several of our rescue kitties
Regina Queder and myself are devastated.. but the only way forward is to try and find a solution to avoid any further attacks. And that means putting up a big fence. We need all the help we can get to find the money for this.
thank you already in the name of the animals
Charity event for Madat 2018
We sincerely thank you again, especially in the name of the animals, with the animal friends from the north.
At a fundraiser in the restaurant Safran you collected the insanely great sum of 750 .- € for us. We are once again overwhelmed by the great help.
There are some castrations, for which we can use the money very well.
Thank you very much
Hello everybody,
As you can see for sure, our wall is now, but still 2500 € of the bill are open, which we have to settle soon.
Take a look in our new shop, there we put the craft items, which makes Regina in laborious manual labor.
You're sure to ask, "... when does she do that? .. she has enough to do with the animals ..." I'll betray you ... in the evening ... when all the work is done, go to crafts.
It does really great things, the proceeds of course only benefit the animals, in which case it is intended for the bill of the wall.
You will surely find something nice.
How about with a Madat keychain made of shrink film? :-)
Just have a look
It is done, the wall is standing !! Without your help, we would never have made it.
However, there are still about 3000 € of 10 000 € open..yes, that was the price .. sorry .. Many thanks to all donors and helpers!
Regina had a visit from 2 lovely people from Germany. Jill and Timo adopted our Bruno last year. Unfortunately, after a couple of months they had to realize that Bruno is running badly and
the Vet made the frightening Diangnose: heavy hip dysplasia on both sides. And that not even 1 year. But Jill and Timo have spared no expense and effort and went with Bruno to Heinsberg and let
him operate. Now he's in top shape again, but of course he still has to do physio. But everything else in the green area. We will never forget that. And...
Bruno has a great home
Jill and Timo have brought Regina a donation for the Wall. Also, of course, thank you very much. We can do that very well.
Nice that there are such great animal loving people !
The first part is done. The first 2 Meters are done . 1000 thanks again for all your help, without u all it will not be possible.
Of course, we would be happy if the rest could be done with your help, because there is still a larger amount open, which we can not manage on our own.
Stone on stone, the wall must be put on by hand. Heavy work for the boys ...
Hello animal lovers,
Thanks to your energetic support and donations, we were able to start building the wall today. Of course, we do not have enough together yet, so do not let it stop you donating.
We are now obstructing what has come in money.
Many thanks to all donors, helpers and construction workers, also in the name of the animals
Without you we would be lost
Thank you thank you thank you
We are still struggling to get the amount of 5000 € together.
On the next page you can donate for Madat, because the wall has to be built quickly, the next rain is already announced, and it could slip even more wall.
every euro counts
Thank you in advance in the name of the animals
Update: In the meantime the costs have risen to 5000 €. It's a giant hole
about 25 x5 meters only the wall. Then everything has to be removed about 2m deep.
It must be built a stable retaining wall, with pedestal, rods and fence and about 400 bricks. How are we going to do it all ..
Today the excavator came and began to remove the debris.
03/11/2018Update: So the cost of rebuilding the wall is also 3000 €, we can not handle that. We urgently need help !!!!! Likewise building material, cement, stones, iron. We take what we can get. First, the debris has gone. Helping hands would of course be great as well. You will find out more about Regina.
The clicks of visitors (2628 since mid-January) in euros and we would be saved !!!
Dear friend,
Tonight there was a big bang and the result can be seen in the photos. The Messie dogs had huge luck, their hut is gone and they were still standing on a narrow strip and probably had a fear of hell,
just like Regina around their charges.
The rainwater has washed everything away and pushed it away. One should not underestimate nature.
We urgently need help !!!!!!
Regina and the animals are fine and no one was injured. The problem is that the dogs can not run anymore as long as everything is open. It must be done so quickly again a fence, which hopefully
endures the next downpour. And with fast I mean yesterday already :-(
No matter in what form you can help, call Regina, who can give you the current status.
Last week, 5 adorable little puppies arrived in the shelter and needed help asap. As we are waiting for formal approval and paperwork-stuff for the dog-kennels (, we started with a small seperate project that is easy and quick to finish: re-build the puppy house.
We were forced to move from our old location, but as we had set up a garden shed as a puppy house there, we broke it down and took it with us.
With the help of locals and friends, we arranged for steady foundations (!) and re-built the puppy house. So, now, the little ones *almost* have a safe place to stay: We just need the roof and the
floor (-tiles) to be installed.
We hope that the efforts that we are doing (with the puppy house, the awareness and the fundraising) will help convince the Tenerife government that MAdAT definitely is worth saving.
Thank you all for your warm thoughts and support!